Shamanic Dog Training


for you and your dog

Shamanic Dog Training


for you and your dog

What is Shamanic Dog Training? 


Where our dogs think for themselves

And we can trust them to make decisions

So we can have more freedom and confidence

Teaching in real life moments

Without compromising our friendship

Shamanic Dog Training is for

all breeds & all ages

all sizes & all problems


Your puppy is who they are – right from the start. Their personality, habits, instincts and processes will remain, with a few variations along the way, for their whole life. Starting early will build the foundations of confidence, safety, freedom and trust to take your goals from wishes to reality. 

You will be so glad you began your life together this way!


Your dog is eager to make decisions for themself, become more responsible and build their critical thinking. Shamanic dog training makes this happen – plus you get the confidence, security and tool set that you need to manage every situation that comes up like a pro.

You and your dog deserve to have the adventures and freedom that you want most!


Your dog is waiting for you to make the first move, for you to find the best path for understanding, connection and teaching.  Shamanic dog training gives them the support for inner transformation and gives you you the tools, language and confidence to manage things from a whole new perspective.

Your time together doesn’t have to be so challenging!


Tamryn knows what it is like to live with dogs of every size, every age and with every problem. She has seen it all, and experienced many of the challenges and issues you are facing with your dog.

From raising puppies to fostering troubled dogs, as well as living with aggression, anxiety, learning disabilities and other extremes - Tamryn knows what its like to be in your shoes. 

This real life experience, combined with over 20 years of professional development and service, makes Tamryn the perfect person to guide you and your dog.

"It's going well! I've finally managed to get Bella to lean into me when I do the flat hands on her like Daisy and Doyle.

She's going good on her leash and not pulling. It's been a slow process but we're working well together! I was thinking of you just last week while I was walking Daisy and Doyle together. That's something I haven't been able to do in a long time.

I wanted to let you know that I have been using the flat hands and the calming technique and I have found success! I managed to get Daisy to stop barking at a friend of my son's. Daisy dislikes this kid and it was so wonderful to feel like she was under control! It was amazing to witness!

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I cannot wait to use this technique when we go camping!!!"

~ Amy S. with Bella (boxer/rottweiler), Daisy (shepherd/pointer) and Doyle (golden retreiver/border collie)

Before we even start teaching your dog

The Shamanic Dog Training Process

Working with your dog begins with understanding and connecting - before we even start teaching. 

Understanding your dog

Through body language and mapping, you learn how to assess your dog's mental and emotional state.

Understanding your dog this way gives you the inside track on figuring out what your dog needs to shift, to learn and to adapt. 

Connecting with your dog

Once you understand your dog and their point of view, you learn how to affect your dog and change their mental and emotional state. 

Calming exercises offer you and your dog the tools to reconnect whenever you are having trouble understanding each other.

Teaching your dog

Teaching comes next. When you have expressed understanding and taken the time to connect with each other, teaching is the easy part.
A team where both parties are in a good emotional and mental state can take on anything and accomplish everything - together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my dog learn?

Your dog learns how to stay more calm in more situations and how to lean on you for support when they need it. 

They learn how to think for themselves and follow direction with ease when you provide it. 

They learn:
Come when called - Don't pull on the leash - Be polite with people and don't touch my things - STOP! on command - Don't leave the house or yard or vehicle without permission

What will I learn?

You will learn how to read your dog's mental and emotional state, and how to connect with them when you need to help them shift, adapt or learn. 

You will learn to feel confident in every situation with your dog because you have so many tools that you can respond easily and without hesitation. 

You will learn how to steer you and your dog towards the life you have always dreamed of together. 

How is Shamanic Dog Training different? 

Instead of attempting to control your dog with obedience commands, shamanic dog training supports your dog in better understanding their life in the human world. 

Shamanic dog training doesn't use negative reinforcement or positive reinforcement. Rather, it uses intrinsic teaching to help your dog become a critical thinker who can make independent decisions and choices in most everyday situations.

Shamanic dog training gives you access to The 5 Freedoms:
Off-leash Lifestyle  •  Relaxed Lifestyle  •  Inclusive Lifestyle  •  Best Friends Lifestyle  •  Freedom Lifestyle

Does Shamanic Dog Training work? 

Shamanic Dog Training will provide you with all the lessons, tools and teaching you need to make the changes you want in your life with your dog. Depending on your commitment, you will find more or less improvement in the areas that are important to you. 

The more you integrate shamanic dog training into your life, the more transformation you and your dog will see.