With Your Dog
Better On Leash, Better At Recall, Better With Connection
A Free 3-part LIVE Online Teaching Series
With Your Dog
Better On Leash, Better At Recall, Better With Connection
A Free 3-part LIVE Online Teaching Series
With Your Dog
Better On Leash, Better At Recall, Better With Connection
A Free 3-part LIVE Online Teaching Series

Listen to your heart and find another way to teach your dog
You are invited to find out how shamanic dog training helps you and your dog relate to each other on a new level.
So that some of your difficulties feel easier to understand and navigate. And you can get tools that support you in creating the life you want together.

LIVE Teaching Session 1
Gentler On The Leash

LIVE Teaching Session 2
Safer in Recall

LIVE Teaching Session 3
more Calm and Connection

LIVE Teaching Session 1
Gentler On The Leash

LIVE Teaching Session 2
Safer in Recall

LIVE Teaching Session 3
more Calm and Connection

LIVE Teaching Session 1
Gentler On The Leash

LIVE Teaching Session 2
Safer in Recall

LIVE Teaching Session 3
more Calm and Connection
These live sessions have already completed
You can receive all the tools and teachings that were shared in this supportive and useful series
To watch the free recordings, click the link below:
Shamanic Dog Training
Shamanic dog training is simple, down-to-Earth and practical. You don't need any special skills and or prior training. It fits naturally into your everyday life with your dog and needs no extra time.
In shamanic dog training learning is an equal partnership, with your dog's needs as important as yours:
Shamanic dog training is kind, patient and loving, with a powerful ability to bring a deep and meaningful transformation to your dog's life and yours.
your Host - Tamryn Fudge

Tamryn Fudge sees dog training as a way to help dogs understand their lives in our human world. She believes dogs should be seen and heard for who they are. That they need to be supported from their perspective so they can create meaning in their lives.
Tamryn teaches people who want to be in equal partnership with their dogs. She helps them show their dogs how to integrate into the human culture and society so they can create the lives they want with their dogs.
Tamryn is the founder and teacher of shamanic dog training. She has been serving dogs for more than 30 years and she passionately shares the wisdom and experience she has received over this period.
She integrates her knowledge as a dog trainer, animal communicator and shamanic practitioner into the programs she teaches, both online to people around the world and in-person in the Kamloops BC area.